RELOCATING? I've got you!
When you choose to work with a professional real estate agent, you get the highest level of care, expertise and value to help you navigate the complex act of buying or selling a home.
Moves happen for many reasons. Retiring, moving in with a spouse, school, new job, better quality of life, to be closer to family, perhaps you are looking for something more affordable. 25.6 million Americans moved in 2023!!
As a buyer's agent, I:
Only represent the buyer.
Help show seller's that you are serious about buying.
Help find homes to tour.
Am an expert on our local area!
Can help identify problems and find solutions.
Can recommend other trusted professionals.
As a listing agent, I:
Research comparable listed properties to ensure correct pricing.
Provide a master marketing strategy.
Recommend needed improvements and/or repairs.
Coordinate all showings between you and other buyer's agents.
Negotiate the price that you want with the terms that you want.
Ensure that our closing goes smoothly and on time.
Buyers start here:
Work with a buyer's agent (me) to help you navigate the transaction.
Determine how much you can afford.
Review your credit report and make corrections if needed.
Lower your debt-to-income ratio.
Meet with a lender and get pre-approved.
Sellers start here:
Meet with a listing agent (me) to come up with a plan.
Start decluttering.
Make any necessary repoairs inside and outside your home.
Compile all necessary paperwork (mortgage statements, home maintenance documents, etc.)
If you or someone you know is considering a move, feel free to contact me with any questions. I'm here to offer clear, consise information that you can trust.